Maine CareerCenters partner with several organizations in order to help Mainers find a better job and companies to find or train qualified employees. This page presents some of our partners, and includes local information for job seekers, employers and those looking to move to the Pine Tree State.
Labor Laws
Career Planning
- Find Training and Education Providers
- Labor Market Information
- Maine State Government Jobs
- Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers - Maine Monitor Advocate
- My Next Move
- My Next Move for Veterans
- My Skills My Future
- O*NET Online
- Senior Employment
Disability Resources
- Division for the Blind or Visually Impaired
- Division for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Late Deafened
- Employment for ME
- SSA Ticket to Work - Find Help
- Ticket to Work
- Vocational Rehabilitation
Disability Resources - Assistive Technology Resources
- ALLTECH Recycle & Reuse Center
- Partnership on Employment and Accessible Technology (PEAT)
- PC's for Maine
- Robbie Foundation - Bridging the gap for children with developmental disabilities
- AgrAbility - Assistive Technology for Agricultural Pursuits
Free Tools
- Maine Libraries and CareerCenters - Computers with Internet Access
- Adobe Reader - Opens PDF files
- GCFLearnFree.org - Tutorials for 21st Century Skills
- Gmail - Create a free Email Address
- Google Docs - Word Processing (Gmail Account Required)
- Ymail - Create a free Email Address
Service Providers
- Workforce Centers and OneStop Partners
- Eastern Maine Development Corporation
- Goodwill Industries of Northern New England
- Kennebec Valley Community Action Program
- Maine Adult Education
- CareerCenter Services
- Bureau of Veterans' Services
- Maine Department of Labor Veterans Team
- Easter Seals Maine
- Hero 2 Hired
- Adecco Staffing
- Bonney Staffing Center
- Capital Area Staffing Solutions
- Career Management Associates
- Express Employment Professionals
- jobs.sunjournal.com
- jobsinmaine.com
- Kelly Services
- liveandworkinmaine.com
- Manpower
- mainejobs.monster.com
- Maine Staffing Group
- Masis Staffing
- PeopleReady
- Pro Search, Inc.
- Rock Coast Personnel
- southernmainehelpwanted.com
- Springborn Staffing
Department of Labor
- Maine Department of Labor
- Labor Laws and Wage and Hour
- Labor Market Information
- Recruitment, Training and Layoff Services
- Respond to Separation/Wage Information Request
- SafetyWorks! Training Institute
- Unemployment Insurance Employer Services
- Vocational Rehabilitation and Accommodating Disabilities
- Workplace Safety and Health
Start or Grow a Business
- Start or Grow a Business in Maine
- Department of Economic and Community Development
- Business Answers
- Pine Tree Development Zones
- Maine International Trade Center
- Maine Technology Institute
Workforce Development